everything looks better in a pretty ballgown!

Okay everybody- here-you-go! Here's absolutely everything I know about making slipcovers!
Before I get on with it, you may want to check out my last two posts (if you haven't yet) before reading this. Three posts in roughly as many days?! Are you shocked that I didn't make you wait 6 weeks for a new post!?
The first step is measuring your sofa or chair and figuring out how much fabric you need. Look at your chair/sofa. How many separate pieces of fabric make up its current upholstery? Do you want to mimic the current design exactly or change it a bit? Do you want to change, add or remove the skirt? Does it currently have separate seat and/or back cushions? Do you want to cover them individually or make a one-piece slipcover (as I did on my sofa) that covers all of the cushions?
This planning is the hardest part! If you can envision it- you can do it!
In order to better envision your plan, sketch your chair/sofa or take a photo (as I did since I have zero sketching talent!) and loosely sketch your plan for the fabric pieces on top like this:
By the way- please forgive my lame-o diagrams! I figured wonky visuals were better than none!
Now you have a decision to make- do you want to make a paper pattern for your chair/sofa or not?
I did make a paper pattern for my wingback chair, but I didn't make one for my sofa, cuz I'm a rebel like that. Now that I think about it, I really flew by the seat of my pants with the sofa cover. I just sorta started laying fabric out on the sofa and started cutting! I know- I'm a wild woman.

This won't be much of a tutorial if I just leave it at that, so I'll do my best to describe how I slipcovered my wingback chair with a pattern first and then I'll describe how to go about this pattern-free.
- Fabric (I used about 8 yards of linen for my sofa, but you'll need more if you decide to cover your cushions separately, also, if you're covering a print you're better off choosing an upholstery weight fabric so that you won't have to worry about lining. I used about 4 yards for my chair)
- Coordinating thread
- Velcro Closure (if necessary)
- Muslin or any cheaper fabric for under/behind the seat/back cushion if you're sewing a separate cushion cover
- measuring tape
- scissors
- pins
- Diappearing ink pen
- Seam ripper (I hope you don't need it, but I sure did!)
- Iron
- sewing machine
- Large paper (if you decide to make a pattern!) -I used a roll of brown craft paper that I had on hand.
- Pencil
How I slipcovered my wing chair by making a paper pattern:
Here's a list of the pieces for my wingback chair cover:
- Cushion top
- Cushion bottom
- cushion sides (I count this as one long piece even though it's pieced together from shorter lengths)
- Front of seat back
- Back of Chair
- Inside and top of left arm
- Inside and top of right arm
- Face of left arm
- Face of Right arm
- Outside of left arm
- Outside of right arm
- Inside of left wing
- Inside of right wing
- Outside of left wing
- Outside of right wing
- Between front legs, below cushion
- Muslin (or any plain inexpensive fabric) square beneath cushion
- Skirt or trim for bottom (I still haven't added this to my chair!)
Then working one section at a time, I pinned a rectangle to its section on the chair and literally just traced the shape onto the paper with a pencil following the seams of the chair exactly.

Once I had traced each section onto paper, I cut each section out adding an extra 1/2 inch all the way around for the seam allowance.
Then I pinned the paper sections back onto the chair again to make sure there were no gaps. If your paper pattern fits together precisely, your fabric pieces will to!

Now I had a complete paper pattern for my slipcover!
If you're unsure of how much fabric to buy, you could do this step first and bring the paper pattern pieces to the fabric store with you and literally lay them out on the fabric on the cutting table in the store to see exactly how much you'll need. If you're using a patterned fabric, don't forget to allow enough fabric to match up the pattern.
Once the pattern is made, the hard part is done!
Next I layed the pattern pieces out on my fabric and cut out all of the pieces.
Then I layed the fabric pieces out on the chair and pinned them all together. Actually, I didn't pin the whole thing together at once, I pinned the pieces that comprise each arm first, and then sewed the arms together, then I pinned the body together (pieces 4 and 5) and pinned the arms to the body, then I sewed the body and arm pieces together, then the wings, then the bottom facing piece (#16) and I did the cushion last. You can sew the cushion shut, or use a zipper or velcro.
The wings were the only place that required a bit of pleating. If you look closely at my finished photo, there are two small pleats at the corner of each wing.
Don't forget that you don't need to be too precise in any area where you can tuck the slipcover into the chair. My chair slipcover is tucked between the body and the arms.
I was actually surprised at how easily all the pieces fit together. They just sort of fit together like a jigsaw puzzle once I had all of them cut out. The one part that seemed a little tricky (and I still don't quite understand why?!) was piecing together the facing of the arms with the tops and sides of the arms. I almost recut the facing piece, but eventually I did get it to work. In retrospect, I would recommend cuting the arm facing pieces (pieces 8 and 9 in my sketch above) with a larger seam allowance- maybe an inch or so- just to give a little more ease in piecing it together.
Finally I was done!

How I Made My Sofa Slipcover Pattern-Free!
Here is a list of the pieces for my sofa slipcover:
- Left back and seat
- Center back and seat
- Right back and seat. Each of these three pieces is a continuous piece from the top of the sofa, then it runs down to where the back and the seat meet, then goes over the seat cushion and ends where it meets the skirt.
- Top and inside of left arm
- Top and inside of right arm
- pleated skirt
- Upper outer left side
- Upper outer Right side
- Lower outer left side
- Lower outer right side
- (not visible in photo) Back of sofa
Here are the details:
First I pulled the tape measure from the top center of the sofa, down the backrest, into the crevice where the back meets the seat, back up and over the seat cushion to the point where I wanted the skirt to begin. Like this:
this measurement plus 1 equals the length of each of the first three pieces in my list.
Then I pulled the tape measure across the widest part of my left seat cushion from the outside of the cushion to the point where it meets the center cushion like this:
this measurement plus 1 equals the width of piece 1 and 3.
Next I measured the widest point of the top of the center seat cushion like this:
this measurement plus 1 equals the width of piece 2.
At this point I had the length and width of the first 3 pieces- just three big rectangles- so I cut them out and layed them in place on the sofa.
I worked on the arms next- this was the tricky part. First I measured for piece 4. I measured from the back of the inside of the arm (at the farthest point, all the way back where your pocket change gets stuck!) all the way around to where the front rolled part ends like this:
Then I measured from the center bottom of the inside of the arm up and over the arm like this:
Now I had athe length and width of pieces 4 and 5, so I cut them out.
Pieces 7/8 and 9/10 were a little easier since they were close to rectangular already- I measured the length and width of this section and cut out 6 and 7.
Since the upholstery of my sofa had piping along the solid back and because I opted not to cover each seat cushion individually, I wanted to add piping to the back and seat of my slipcover to make it look more finished. I measured all the areas where I wanted piping and added them up to figure out how much piping to make.
If you want to incorporate piping (you certainly don't need to) you can purchase it pre-made or make your own.
At this point I went ahead and pinned it all together inside-out along the lines of the sofa, starting with the arms. I used A-LOT of pins- basically used them as basting stitches since I wasn't using a pattern. I pleated the fabric anyplace where the upholstery was pleated. For this sofa that was the corners of the arms (any piece with any kind of rolled-arm where there is not a flat facing piece will need some pleats at the arm) and the top corners of the seat-back.
When I finished pinning together the pieces that made up the arm I pulled it off the sofa and brought it to the sewing machine. I unpinned only the first one or two pins and carefully held on to that end while pushing the end of my piping into the opening. I un-pinned, worked the piping in and stitched a little at a time along the line where wanted the piping. In a few places where I was worried I would lose track of where I wanted the seam to go, I used the disappearing ink pen to give me a guide line. I was using it on the back side of the fabric, but it really does disappear completely (though if you choose this method you may want to test it on a scrap first), so no worries!
After I finished stitching the arm sections together I stitched sections 1-3 together adding the piping inbetween. This part was pretty simple because the fit didn't have to be too precise since the edges of this part- what is now one large section making up the body of the sofa- will tuck down around the edges of the seat cushion.
Next I layed the large center section back on the sofa and put the arm sections back on the sofa and pinned them together. Pinning these parts together in the crevice between the arm and the cushions was darn near impossible, so I just smoothed the fabric in there as best I could, grabbed my disappearing-ink pen, and ran it down the line where I wanted the two pieces to meet. Then I stitched the arm sections to the large center section along those lines. Again, this seam doesn't have to be too precise since it will get tucked down into the sofa.
Next I put what was starting to look a lot like a slipcover (yay!) back on the sofa and pinned sections 7, 8 and 11 in place. Then I pulled it off, stitched it all together, and put it back on the sofa again. It looked pretty darn good, but I made a few adjustments here and there.
That was when I realized that since I opted not to cover each seat cushion separately, the fabric at the outer front corners of the sofa needed to be tailored. I sorta pulled and tucked the fabric at each corner kinda like an inverted hospital corner and stitched it in place by hand. This was the only place I stitched by hand.
Finallly it was ready for the piece de resistance- the box-pleated skirt! To make the skirt, I first decided how long I wanted it to be (6") and then I had to do a little math (ouch!). The perimeter of the base of my sofa was 245" and I wanted 4" pleats. I figured out that for a 4" pleat I need 12" of fabric so to cover 245" with pleats I would need 735" (61.25 feet) of fabric. I cut my remaining fabric into 7" strips, joined them all end-to-end on the sewing machine and was pleased to find that I had more than enough. I hemmed the whole length at once using the same method I described in yesterday's post. Then I pinned and pressed all of my pleats in place (using my measuring tape to make sure they were uniform) and ran a straight stitch 1/4" from the raw edge to hold all the pleats in place and removed all of the pins. Then I pinned the skirt to the bottom edge of the slipcover.
Next I pulled the cover off one more time, stitched the skirt in place, reinforced all the seams (as I described in yesterday's post), trimmed away all of the excess fabric (as I described in yesterday's post- sensing a theme here?!) put it back on the sofa and fell over in exhaustion- oh, I mean, I did a little happy dance...then I fell over in exhaustion!
Just go slowly and carefully. As long as you measure at the widest points of each section, you really can't go wrong. Some sections are trickier than others depending on the shape of the furniture piece you're working on, so you may wind up pinning, unpinning and repinning a bit, but eventually you'll get the perfect fit. Just don't cut away the excess until you're sure it's all sewn together the way you want it!
PS- A little note about seam rippers. Here's a closeup of one. I find them very handy, which must mean that I sew things together the wrong way frequently and have to rip out the seam! If you don't have one, I think they cost about 89 cents at any fabric store. I think most people use them backwards inserting the longer end into the stitching and picking out one or two stitches at a time. If you instead insert the ball end into the stitching to be removed you can zip right down a seam in a flash. Anyway, I hope you don't need it in this project, but I know I did!

Please, please contact me if you need further help/instructions! I'd be happy to help if you need more guidance!
And with that I shall leave you for now for my laptop is smokin' and the Dame is coming on PBS and there's a glass of prosecco and a hunk of brie waiting for me- heaven! I must really be turning into a fogey because I just love me some masterpiece theater! Ta-ta!
Update! I slipped the cushions of the sofa individually- check it out here!
Pam, this was a great tutorial!! :) It is still sooooo far beyond my current capabilities, but you did an awesome job explaining each step. I think your chair and the couch look amazing. :)
ReplyDeleteHow much will it cost me just to have you come here and make one for me? I'll cook for you? We could do it togehter? I am SOOO impatient with my poor sewing machine. But I cannot wait to try this first on an old wingback and maybe one day on my sofa.
Thank you so much for all the hard, hard work!
So beautiful! You made such a mess into a masterpiece, and the princesses are right!
ReplyDeletePam! You're my hero! ;) I love it (both)! I am wanting to sew a slip cover or two too so this is going to be so helpful when the time comes! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
Wow! you did such a great job. My couches can really use a cover like that. I am really inspired to make some for mine. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWow! I am so impressed! What a great job! your slipcover is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteAdorable! Wonderful! Fabulous!!! That couch is like brand new!! Everything does look better in a ball gown!!!
ReplyDeletepam - that is sooooooo nice! i'm going to bookmark your tutorial for the day when i finally get the courage to try it. you did such a great job on the sofa cover & the instructions.
ReplyDeleteSo excited to have found your blog! I live about 30 minutes south of Baltimore. I love your slipcover tutorial, I am currently looking for a couch for our basement, but I might look for an older one now and just cover it!
This is an amazing tutorial! I am so bookmarking this.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, you're awesome!
Thank you for this detailed tutorial. I have been wondering exactly how to do this. This gives me courage to try one of my chairs 1st before I tackle the couch.
ReplyDeleteBTW, the pictures behind the couch- are those the month flower pictures? If so, I have some too. Did you refram or paint the existing frame. I have had mine since my mother redid my room in high school. They are in my dining room now and need a revamp.
Wow! I am so not there yet, but I hope my sewing skills will improve. I would love to make something like this. It looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteHi Pam,
ReplyDeleteOh my, you saved the day. I bought a chair and ottoman last week, great price, comfortable, cute, but UGLY upholstery! I've been going over it in my head for days - how do I make a slipcover, I know I can do it but where do I begin? You've just reassured me that I was headed in the right direction. I'm bookmarking this post to refer to when I run into trouble, (it's inevitable that I will!)Thank you so much, and by the way, your sofa looks really terrific. You did an awesome job, the fit and style look really pro.!
Thanks again for the help!!
Heidi - Heart and Home
PS. It's me again - I just realized I have three of those same prints hanging in my living room, too! I change them out every 3 months or so!
ReplyDeleteWow! Now that is impressive! I don't know if I have the patience for that but your results are incredible! Thanks for the great step-by-step instructions! Love the princesses on the "new" couch! : )
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you, thank you. I have been looking for a good tutorial for slipcovering a wingback chair. Yours is the simplest and easiest to understand. I have started and stopped work on these suckers about a dozen times. I will give the paper pattern instructions a try.
I didn't read your whole post, but can I just say, that i think your slipcovered sofa is unbelievable cute! Thank you so much for sharing! bravo, bravo!
ReplyDeleteYou're sofa looks absolutely beautiful! What a fantastic job! I'd like to do similar slips for a couple chairs I have..just don't know if I can! Thanks for the inspiration and instructions though! Maybe someday I will jump into it. ...
ReplyDeleteHi Pam~ Just want to compliment you on a job well done with your slipcovers...I am SO impressed! Even though I have been sewing for years and years (and made my wedding dress), I am *still* nervous to try making a slipcover...how weird is that?! haha I think it's got a lot to do with the 'no pattern' thing! Your house looks gorgeous...thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteHave a fabulous week!
Wow. I mean, really, WOW! Your sofa and chair look beautiful! You did an amazing job. I love your can-do spirit, and just look where it got you! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteHoly Moly!! I LOVE your new sofa! She looks so beautiful in her new dress. I have a super FUGLY couch that would look so beautiful all dressed up with a slipcover. You did a great job explaining your how to (so I will give it to my seamstress to copy!!) Love it!
ReplyDeleteHOLY SHOOT!!!! That's amazing! My sewing machine and I aren't good enough friends for me to tackle this sort of project just yet. Maybe someday!
ReplyDeleteYou did a great job -- and fabulous tutorial!
ReplyDeleteI'm convinced, Your a geneus! What a great job you did. I'm following you girl!
ReplyDeleteWOW! Your slipcovers really are phenomenal! I wouldn't even have known that you didn't buy that couch that way, it's perfect! The skirt really makes it.
ReplyDeleteThis is so cool - I've got a couch awaiting a slip cover (and my nerve)! Thanks
ReplyDeleteWow! You did really great. And I had NO idea about the seam ripper, I've been using it backwards the entire time!
ReplyDeleteOk, this tutorial is AMAZING! Wow! I've always wanted to recover our upstairs sofa but just didn't really know how to even begin!! Thanks for sharing your mad skills with us!
ReplyDeleteok, i have to admit, your homemade slip cover turned out A-MAZING. sometimes i think they can end up looking "country"ish, or a tad sloppy, but yours is perfection. and those girls? too cute!
ReplyDeleteThat is absolutely beautiful! Get those kids off of there! Give them a beach towel for the floor!. That looks great!
If it makes you feel any better, Family Circle just sent me JANUARY'S issue today. :s Oh, regarding the recipe...I think they turned out more moist than usual. Worth a try!
ReplyDeleteYou have officially inspired me! I've been kicking around HOW to do a slipcover for my couch and chair for FOREVER. I'm going to start on the chair THIS weekend! I'll be back to review this tutorial MANY times I'm sure! Everything looks great!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the awesome instructons!!
Wow .. love this so much!
ReplyDeleteHey, please come and join my first worldwide giveaway. Thanks
Hey Pam - wow! What big project! You did a great job and your final result is beautiful! Thanks for sharing your how-to!
ReplyDeleteWow!!! You did a beautiful job!
cristin @ simplified bee
That sofa slipcover is AMAZING! You are a much better sewer/seamstress than I can ever hope to be!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing! You make it sound easy enough that I think I may have to try this in the near future! Sure beats paying $80 per slipcover for a wingback! And thanks for the seam ripper tip. I've been using it wrong all this time.
ReplyDeleteOh bless you! I have been wanting to find a way to make my own slipcovers because I cannot seem to find what I want that doesn't cost an arm & leg. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!
ReplyDeleteyou are my hero, you totally just explained that in the most non-intimidating way, I may have to try this!
ReplyDeleteGreat tutorial! I have made three couch slipcovers and many chair slipcovers and I would not have been able to make such a great tutorial. My sewing skills are not expert, but I do the best I can and save money. Hopefully many others will be inspired to give it a try.
ReplyDeleteTo all of you nervous about trying or using a sewing machine, practice! Make some pillow covers, a table runner or two. Get sewing and your confidence will grow.
I am hyperventilating reading this post. It is overwhelming, but I need to do it for our couch. It is horrifyingly disgusting. I am going to keep coming back until I am brave enough to tackle this on my own. Truth be told I have been thinking about doing it too, so I am glad to have a resource. THANK YOU!!!
ReplyDeleteYour sofa and wing chair look beautiful. I may cover my two wing chairs someday. Right now two kids, 3 college classes and running my own business suck up all the time. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat job! You have the same attitude about things that I do, "I could probably do that. How hard could it be?" I then generally discover how hard it "could" be, but end up with something beautiful to show for it.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the tutorials. I'm sure I'll be referring back to these in the future.
holy cow. love it. can't wait to use the tutorial!
ReplyDeletewow, so beautiful and very well explained tutorial!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! Your tutorial is so thorough. I would love to undertake such a project, but I'm not sure I'm capable. Hmmm...
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on taking on a difficult project like this! It looks great. You must be so proud of yourself!!
You did a wonderful job. I have slipcovered our camper cushions and couch (much more forgiving), but never a couch for the house. You have given me renewed inspiration to try! How wide did you cut the piping strips? It looks like 3-4 inches, but not sure... Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteThis is great! I just ordered (and returned) slipcovers fro my chair and couch. I know I can do this, but it seems so scary!
ReplyDeleteI have one question - where did you get your fabric from? Thanks for the encouragement and advice!!
Where is the sofa from or what style is it? LOVE IT e-mail me ssolamb@comcast.net thanks for so much detail
ReplyDeleteHI! I have just clicked on over from another blog and I checked this out..I recently made my first real slip cover for a sofa in my library/office and the only thing I think I did wrong was make it too short because it shrunk a little in the wash...!! Do you plan on washing yours or dry cleaning? I also wish I had added a skirt like that..so cute!I think I could still add one actually..but anyway.. great job!
ReplyDeleteHi! Thank you so much for the post and the encouragement to try a slipcover. My sewing skills are not the best, but I think I could possibly try to slip cover my coffee table & maybe a wing back chair.
ReplyDeleteKimberly C.
I have had a window covering and slipcovering business for 29 years..just happened across your blog and read your instructions...you did a really good job with your pieces and your covers look really nice! keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThe clean linen and the pleating just make the couch. Now I wish I had a couch with that shape to recover! Thanks for sharing this tutorial! What inspirations!!
ReplyDeleteI like you :)
ReplyDeleteIncredible tutorial! I'm going to put it to the test this weekend with two matching chairs in my living room.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the excellent tutorial! I completed the prototype slipcover for pair of matching chairs last weekend during the snow storm. I love the way my slipcover turned out and am looking forward to making my "real" slipcovers using this pattern. Now I just need to find some fun fabric for the slipcovers. Oh, and for the record, a seam ripper is definitely necessary. See the results here:
Great job on the slip! Just discovered your blog and can't wait to see what other projects you've conquered. Isn't knowing how to sew simply fantastic?
I know I'm late to commenting on this, but I just found your blog! You did a great job on these slipcovers, but what I really want to say is thank you for reminding me of my mom! She was a SAHM, before they were called that and she sewed for people at home, doing alterations and making dresses and the like. But she also made many slipcovers for our sofas and chairs and she did it w/o a pattern, just laying the fabric in the chair or sofa. I didn't think much of it at the time, but now,WOW, she was good! So, thanks for the memories!
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteyou are the one! this post helped me out a lot! I'm going to link to you for my post. ok??
ReplyDeleteVERY BEAUTIFUL! I bought matelasse slipcovers for my sofa and chair and they were of course too big so I altered them to fit. They look pretty good.... but someone please help! HOW DO YOU STOP THE TUCKED AREAS (in between the cushions , back and arms) FROM POPPING OUT????
ReplyDeleteI've heard roll up some magazines and put rubber bands around them and shove them it and that will keep the slipcover in place... haven't tried that.
IF ANYONE can tell me a way to stop the SLIPCOVER from popping out please email me MATTIESUSAN@HOTMAIL.COM. Thank you.
hey , after cutting the cloth,how shall i cover the sofa.if i stitch the cover how shall i put it back on sofa.it would be great help.and can u tell me what is the instrument above shown like a needle.
ReplyDeletethank you.
I am so happy I just found your blog!!! I am so so tired of my couches and there is no way we can afford couches. I'm pretty sure I can do what you did - but would it be insane to do it all by hand? I have a brand new machine but can't sew. But I can sew by hand.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I use my seam ripper to take tight rubber bands out of my little girls hair, it's great - no tears!
Wow, wow, WOW! I cannot believe that's the same couch. I'm bookmarking this and your parsons chairs tutorial :)
ReplyDeleteHoly Moly! That was brilliant!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing!
(totally bookmarking this too!)
I have been checking out a few of your article stories and I must say pretty clever stuff. I will definitely bookmark your blog. Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteI just book marked your blog on Digg and StumbleUpon.I enjoy reading your posting. thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteI am so so happy I found you!! LOVE your DIY curtains made with sheets and then I found your sofa! Thank you very much for sharing and for taking all the time it took to give the tutorials!
I just found your blog and this post. I am considering slipcovering my sofa and love this idea and how it looks. I do have a question though-do you find yourself always having to tuck in your fabric where the seats meet the back of your couch or does is stay put because it is more custom made? "mylifeisanutcase@hotmail.com"
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon your blog while I was contemplating making my own couch covers.
You have given wonderful tips on how to do this.
I will be following it step by step.
Well done your couch looks so professional.
!! I totally use my seam ripper backwards apparently. Thank you for the tip! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I loveyour slipcovers too :)
Hi Pam!
ReplyDeleteI am in totally boredom of my huge dark blue L-shaped sofa and was browsing the internet to find ways to alter it and found your blog.
First of all, YOU ARE AMAZING!
Now, how do I upload the photo of my dreadful sofa for you to advice me of the pattern that I should do?
Thank you :-)
Pam, Thank you so much for sharing this! I was on the computer searching for instructions to cover a chair-and-a-half from PB that I picked up for $80.00!! Nonetheless, it desperately needs a slipcover due to the fact that it is white. Because of your tutorial, I believe I can do this. I will get started next week when hubby is away, and I will keep you posted on how I did! Blessings~
ReplyDeleteFantastic!!! This is by far the best tutorial I have found! Yoou explain it so well! Thank you,, and your sofa looks gorgeous!!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! your blog provides good tutorial and very much impressed with your content..Thank you so much for sharing..
ReplyDeleteHome Furniture
Grate!!! This information will increase more and more people to know about all this Sofas and Couches. I use to do buy online Sofas and Couches as its time saving.
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ReplyDeleteSo cute little angle. I like them steel caster wheels & heavy duty casters low profile
ReplyDeleteYour sofa turned out so well! Thank you for this awesome tutorial!
ReplyDeleteLeather Sofa Land
This is an awesome tutorial! unbelievable the way an old sofa can be transformed into something so beautiful! I can not wait to try it myself. I have had some fabric I bought years ago, just waiting to go on the couch! Thanks.
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Do you want to cover them individually or make a one-piece slipcover (as I did on my ... coversblack.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteDo you want to cover them individually or make a one-piece slipcover (as I did on my sofa) that covers all of the cushions? This planning ... couchset.blogspot.com
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ReplyDeleteThanks for this post..
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ReplyDeleteThank you...
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Which sofa fabric you used. I am confused about it please have a look in my store and have some better suggestions.
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Did you do piping on your chair? I have a chair that I would love to recover. Your directions look so helpful.
ReplyDeleteHi Dear,
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