I just wanted to apologize for the ad that appeared on my blog yesterday. I don't even want to mention the advertiser by name because I don't want to give it any more publicity. I just wanted to put it out there that it was extremely upsetting to me personally and I'm really upset that any benefit (no matter how small) came to this particular advertiser from my blog especially since I don't know how long it appeared on my site.
I sincerely apologize if any of you were upset by it. I just recently added Google Adsense to my blog and apparently I didn't have the filters set properly. I think I have fixed the problem, but please- if any of you notice an ad on my site that you don't approve of, or don't think I would approve of- I would very much appreciate it if you would let me know so that I can rectify the situation.
I'm considering taking Adsense off of my blog completely just because it creeps me out so much to know that I'm participating in something in common with this advertiser. If any other bloggers out there have had good experiences with other, perhaps Christian-based advertising networks, I would very much like to hear about it!
In order to perhaps counter-act yesterday's ad I would like to put it out there that if anyone knows of a woman facing a difficult pregnancy, here is a loving option.