We made them at the last minute last year and I think they turned out pretty cute. Just get a pinecone (I couldn't find any nice short fat ones in my yard, so I cut some long narrow ones in half), wrap a pipecleaner around the middle and fold the ends into feet, then glue on a beak and waddle cut out of felt or fabric scraps or construction paper, and googly eyes (I didn't have any googlies on hand so I cut those out of felt too). Then fan fold a napkin behind the pincone for the tail and you've got a cute, festive, kid-friendly addition to your table!
***Oops! I just realized I left out an important part of the instructions- for the face, before gluing on the beak etc., pull off one of the scales, flip it over and glue it onto the front of the pinecone as the face. Then glue on the eyes, beak etc...
Happy Thanksgiving!