The fabric is Duralee "Diamante". I love it!
Please excuse the rest of the room- there are lots more changes in the works...
Before I give you my how-to, if you need some sewing encouragement, read this. I'm not going to reinvent the wheel here, just give some basic instructions. If you need more detailed slipcovering info, read this.
Okay, so I'm not a professional pattern drafter, but here's a sketch of what I did.

And here are close ups so you don't go blind!

A is the back piece, it's just a 17" by 25" rectangle.

B is the seat back. Pay more attention to the measurements than the picture here, it's sort of a trapezoid shape overall- the back side is an inch longer than the front.

C is the seat. Again- go by the measurements, the front side of this piece is 5.5" longer than the back.
D is the skirt. I found that cutting two pieces the entire length of the bolt (54") plus about another 8" piece was the right width to give generous pleats in the corners.
Sorry about the image quality! Email me if you need help deciphering any of that!
The trickiest part about this project was planning out the pattern (I found that kitchen trash bags work well as pattern paper!) but I've already done that part for you! Once I had the pieces cut, it just fit together like a puzzle!
BTW- this pattern is for an ikea "Henriksdal" dining chair, but you could adjust the measurements to fit any parsons style dining chair. Also, be careful because I believe Ikea changed the dimensions of this chair and I'm not sure which version of chair I have since I purchased mine on CL (I got 4 chairs plus two sets of generic slipcovers for $20!) Let me know if you need exact measurements of my chair to compare sizes.
Here's the how-to:
- Fold the notched corners of piece B on a diagonal, right sides facing to line up the edges and stitch together the notched corners on piece B
- In the same manner, stitch together the notched corners on piece C
- Place piece B centered on top of piece C, right sides facing
- Stitch piece B to piece C along the U shape at center top of piece C
- Lay piece A centered on top of piece B, right sides facing
- Stitch together along top edge
- Stitch piece A and B together down each side, and continue down the last 4.5" section of piece C.
Now you should have a skirtless slipcover!
- Pin the skirt along the bottom edge hiding the seams in the co
- Stitch the skirt along the bottom edge (you may add piping here- I added ivory store bought piping, one package per chair.)
- Hem the skirt- I found putting the chair on top of a table made it much easier to see where to mark the hem.
You're done!
Okay, on to the drapes!!
An anonymous commenter wrote in and was having some trouble piecing together C&B, so here is a closeup of the side/back of the chair...
An anonymous commenter wrote in and was having some trouble piecing together C&B, so here is a closeup of the side/back of the chair...
Anonymous- I hope this helps! If you're still having trouble please email me directly at since the comment form doesn't allow me to respond directly to your comment.