Friday, August 6, 2010

Floral Slipped Chair

I'm participating in the Slipcover Party at Pink and Polka Dot! (Pink- for some reason I couldn't grab your button!)

My BFF since 7th grade recently moved into a gorgeous new house. This chair used to be in her basement media/family room, but in the new house she wanted to use it in the main upstairs living room.

The punchy print worked great in her old house, but she was going for a different look in the new living room so I offered to slipcover it for her. I just finished...
Instructions on making slipcovers can be found here.

I found the fabric on sale at my local Joann's a few months ago for $3/yard! I needed almost exactly 6 yds to finish the job. There was no info printed in the selvage of the fabric- does anyone recognize the pattern?

Pardon the multitude of projects going on in the background!



  1. Great job on the slipcover! You're a great friend to do that for her :)

  2. Pam, you should seriously start a slipcover business! You do amazing work!

  3. If they knew everything I roped you into they'd REALLY think you're an amazing and generous friend (which, of course, you are!). It looks so great Pam! Thanks for lending me your incredible skillz!

  4. I'm still terrified of slipcovering my couch and chair - and they need it so bad! If you lived anywhere near me (you don't :( ) I would pay you large sums of money to help me out - because you do a wonderful job!

  5. What a lovely transformation. The fabric looks like some I bid for on ebay, here in the UK. I bought it as it said vintage French, but it definitely isn't vintage!
    I delivered and fitted three loose covers to a client today, all made in white linen - hard to get all the creases out! Hope to post photos on my blog soon!

  6. You are a great friend! Your slipcover looks fantastic. I love the fabric you chose and I honestly wouldn't know that this is a slipcover and not an upholstered piece. Great job!

  7. should start charging! it's absolutely beautiful! great job and great friend!

  8. Hello Pam,
    I have a silly question to ask, is it a slip on? How do you slip it on? I'm so confused. Please advise... anyway it is awesome and I would like to be able to make one for my chair.

  9. Yes, it does slip on! I put some velcro along one of the back side seams to get it on and off.

  10. Is it too much to ask for pictures of the velcro opening?... please:) I wrecked my brain trying to see how it works, and still couldn't see it.

  11. Sorry, the chair was delivered to my friend months ago. You can't see the velcro in the photos. . If you picture the back of the chair in your head the velcro is along the seam (you could put it on either side) that joins the back panel to one of the side panels. Another way your could do it is to add decorative ties down the back like this:
