Thursday, February 4, 2010

5 Reasons Why My Blog Rocks!

In case you're wondering about my title, no, I don't need a big slice of humble pie. I'm participating in the "5 Reasons Why My Blog Rocks" party at Serenity Now!

Amanda created this party as an opportunity for those of us who couldn't go to Blissdom to network and get to know each other.

Actually this is sorta hard for me- as I suspect it is for most women. We're generally taught at a pretty young age that it's not nice to brag, and while men seem to learn the difference between bragging and self-promotion, most women I know (myself included) can't even take a compliment! I guess we think we'll seem full of ourselves if we just say "thank you" when someone says something nice about us?

My Boogie (in case you're new here, that's my goofy pet name for my husband) has been trying to cure me of this since we met. On one of our first dates while answering all of the typical getting-to-know-you questions it came up that he was a fine art minor in college. Then he said something like, "I paint. I'm actually really good at it." I was a little startled that he could state his talent so plainly. Then it was my turn. I told him I was a music major with a vocal concentration. He said something like, "so, you sing. Are you good?" To him it was a simle question, but I couldn't bring myself to say "yes, I'm quite good" even though I had a degree to prove it! Since then he has been forcing me to just smile and say thank you every time he gives me a compliment, no matter what. Sometimes it takes all I've got not to disqualify the compliment with some sarcastic comment, but I'm getting better at it!
So here it goes, my 5 reasons why my blog rocks!

1. No filler posts here!
I don't post everyday, but I'm trying for 3 times a week, and while my posts are not as frequent as some other bloggers, I only post when I really have somthing interesting to share.

2. I love a good makeover!

Most of my posts involve before and after photos, either of simple solutions for problem spots around the house, room makeovers, or furniture makeovers.

3. My projects are either cheap or free

I'm a sahm, and living on one salary means I can't spend much (or sometimes anything!) on my decorating projects. I find that this actually works to my advantage since necessity is the mother of all invention- motherhood has necessitated my inventions! So along with some cool diy projects I'll offer ways to procure the materials for next to nothing.

4. I offer clear instructions and lots of encouragement!

Some of my projects are simple, others may seem pretty lofty, but I'll always do my best to give you all the information and encouragement you need to get the job done!

5. I'll be the guinea pig!

All this necessity makes me come up with some pretty hair-brained ideas (like turning garbage into furniture) and I'm crazy enough to try them out! I'll work the kinks out so you get the benefit of my mistakes and my successes!

There, I guess that wasn't so hard! I hope you'll come back to visit me again soon!



  1. Pam, this is a great list. You really hit the nail on the head with your thoughts on why women have a hard time talking about things they like about themselves. I can give you 20 things I hate about myself/wish I could change, but it would take me 2 hours to come up with 3 things I like! I may quote you. :) I am awful at taking compliments...I had to make myself sit down for the "5 Reasons," but I really felt good after I did it. :)

    You also have good pictures to go along with your posts, whether it's for a tutorial or fun ones like Cinderella. :)

    Thanks for linking up! :)

  2. I'm with you and Amanda on how difficult it can be to talk about things we like about ourselves (or our blogs). I enjoyed your list!

  3. It is so hard to say that you are good at something. I've visited your blog a time or two and have always been very impressed with your projects. I'm going to follow so that I don't miss any.

  4. Stopping by from Amanda's party. I totally agree with not being able to take compliments. We need to change that!

  5. Five rockin' reasons why you rock! But you forgot slipcovers. You make rockin' slipcovers and have rockin furniture that I totally want to pinch. :)

  6. You DO rock-- the title of your blog should be added to this list too, though. When I was little, "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo" was our family's "secret password", used in emergencies only. I guess now that it's not a secret anymore, I'm gonna have to change it!

    Confessions From A Working Mom

  7. You have a great blog! I am always looking for decorating inspiration that is on the cheap since I am a SAHM too :)

  8. Pam, I'm looking forward to seeing more of your projects. I love the clementine foot stool...seriously creative!
    You know, I always appreciate your comments on my blog, and I'm ashamed that up until now I haven't spent more time investigating your blog. I definitely will be!

  9. I can't take a compliment either! Love your blog! I'll be back! I'm a SAHM and with four kids, I need all teh frugal decorating tips I can find!

  10. Stay-at-home moms are my favorite people in the world. So it's no wonder I like you and your blog! Your place here really is b-b-beautiful. You're doing an awesome job!

  11. Thank you for your sweet comment. I am so glad you joined the party. :)

  12. I love to discover awesome new blogs... urs is one!
    Ur blog rocks!

  13. Your blog looks great! Finding such great blogs from this party :)

    Visiting from Amanda's party!

  14. omg your a genius, i just scrolled down and saw your solution for the chargers, i have almost the same problem, so i will now work out my own version of this little ledge, thanks a million.
