Friday, January 29, 2010


It's no secret that I'm a coffee lover.

Did anyone else fall completely in love with these mugs shown on the Sept. 2008 cover of BHG?

Are they the sweetest?! I'm completely ga-ga for them. Unfortunately for me, they're $24 per cup and I'm pretty sure that doesn't include shipping. Sorry I couldn't get a bigger pic of them for you, but the site they're sold on won't let me steal the photo! How dare they?! If you'd like to see them close up, go to If you click on Shop- House- Kitchen, they're the first item that comes up.

While online shopping for a reasonable stand-in I spotted these vintage french cuties on etsy...

Apparently this type of cup is called a "mazagran"? I believe that definition has more to do with the shape of the cup than the lack of a handle, but what do I know. If anyone out there can educate me on this- I'm all ears!!
This set costs $35, plus $25 shipping. Will someone out there please buy these so that I won't be so tempted?!



  1. Those are cute...very unique! :) Maybe you could tell yourself it's an early Valentine's Day gift? ;)

  2. Love them hey it never hurts to treat yourself to something special. Love Love your blog!
    Peace and Blessings
    Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!

  3. Hi Pam! Those mugs are delicious but I have to say your charging station is BRILLIANT! Love that idea. {I also loved the Nester's post...makes me want to spend all day on "solutions."}

    Thanks for stopping by. : )

  4. You may luck out and find one in the Dollar Spot. You never know with Target. I wish I'd bought more than one. :s

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