Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Poofed Wall Art

Here's a little something for everyone- a great looking project involving just paper, scissors, tape and glue. The only abilities required are tracing and cutting.

I'm participating in the Make-Over Open House at Sanctuary Arts at Home and in DIY day at A Soft Place to Land.

My girls' room has been in need of some finishing touches in the way of artwork. Now, I am greatful for the talents the Lord decided to bestow upon me, but when it came to artistic talent, my husband got all of it in this duo (and the gardening touch, and the map gene, but I digress). Much beyond a stick figure and I'm no good to anybody.

One night as I was reading "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" to Jellybean for the eleventyseventh time I had a flashback to this post about silhouettes and realized that I could do this:

I just printed out the photos I wanted to use and then used a pen to outline their hair, face-shape, dresses... I taped scrapbook paper to the back... and then I started cutting...

and cutting...

and I used a combination of gluestick and scotch tape to put it all together...


then I mounted it on another piece of scrapbook paper...

pulled out the frames I got at goodwill...

added some ribbon...


And because I've really been looking for some pretty religious art for their room...

I printed out this coloring page...

to make this:

and I printed out this image I found online...

to make this:

Pretty cool, huh?



  1. Love it! I bet your girls are giddy about their new artwork!

  2. Hi Pam, so nice to meet you. These art pieces are just so amazing! What a truly wonderful idea. I've not seen anything like them! Thanks for the info on the restoring product. Love to see how it works. I'm such a paint freak though...loving painted furniture. Have a great week!

  3. Hi Pam! beautiful artwork for your sweet girls! We're sure they will treasure it!

  4. Oh, I like that idea. Simple but very creative. Thanks for showing us.

  5. I love the one with your girls....they will fight over it when they're grown, I'm sure. ;) The one with Jesus and the lamb is so sweet!!!

  6. That is really cute! I am so glad you could join in on the party! jen

  7. Ok, sis - Please just come and decorate my kiddos room. This baby brain has left me no energy or creativity for inspiration.

  8. These are simple and sweet for a little girl's room. I love the technique and the look is fantastic :)

  9. Oh, I love the sweet childrens' silhouettes! You did an excellent job and I love the idea of using the various papers for color and pattern. Wonderful!

  10. what a great idea!! i love using scrapbook paper!! stop by my blog and look at some of my scrapbook paper projects.

  11. Amazing! Love them all. These might have to be on my Christmas gifts to make list.

  12. The silhouettes are just beautiful! Love it!

  13. So clever! I love it and I am sure your girls do too!

  14. I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I am totally stealing this idea for my daughter's room...she needs a little mix-up! THANKS for the GREAT idea!

  15. Love this! I did something like this using super heroes for my boys' rooms. It turned out nice and subtle unlike most super hero art.

    You executed it well and they look good!

  16. So pretty and so creative! They're beautiful works of art! Great job!

    Nice to "meet" you!

    Roeshel :)

  17. Very cool! So simple yet so stunning! I love it!

  18. Wow. That is a great idea! (stopping over from ASPTL)

  19. AWESOME. I want to try that! I can do it, right?! ;)

  20. Hi! Regarding your comment about painting the brass trim around your fireplace: I really want to do that too! I am a little nervous, but everything I have read about it says its fine as long as you use high heat paint, as long as it is metal. Do you know if yours is real brass or if its a metal? If it is magnetic, it is not brass. I think if it is brass it might be a bit more complicated. Let me know if you do it; I want to see pictures!

  21. Thanks! I was excited about the Scottie dog jumper too. I want to make the girls some hair bows to match since Michaela Byrd will have some scottie stuff too. :) I wish I could have spent more. ;)

  22. Hi Pam,
    I just wanted you to know that I featured this project on my blog. http://firefliesandjellybeans.blogspot.com/2009/08/spot-light-sunday.html

    Let me know if you want me to change anything!

  23. It can be difficult to write about this subject. I think you did a great job though! Thanks for this! why not try these out
